Michael A. Pleasant
Assistant General President
Michael Pleasant has been a member of the United Association for more than 34 years, and throughout those years he not only learned the skills of his trade, but at the same time, he has risen to the highest levels of leadership in the UA. A native of Robinson, Illinois, Mike completed his apprenticeship with Local 157 in Terre Haute, Indiana, and went on to earn an associate degree in applied science from Ivy Tech State College. He gained considerable jobsite experience on projects ranging from small plumbing jobs to major industrial construction before beginning his leadership career in 1996.
Mike had long been determined to give back to his fellow Union brothers and sisters and the industry he worked in, so he decided the best way to do that was to seek elected office in his local union. He was elected first to his local’s Executive Board, where he served for six years. During this time he was also a Field Representative, a post he held until he was elected Business Agent in 2001. He was elected Business Manager three years later, was re-elected to that position a second time and would lead his local in that position until he was asked to serve at the UA’s General Office in the Jurisdiction Department. He was well qualified for that position because of his already-extensive experience in the field and as a local union officer, where he dealt with many different issues on a daily basis.
In 2011, Mike was named Director of Trade Jurisdiction by United Association General President Bill Hite. He was chosen because of his broad knowledge of the construction industry, craft jurisdiction and national agreements the UA and its signatory contractors operate under, and also because of his proven ability to interpret those agreements in a fair and impartial manner. He was unanimously re-elected to that post at the United Association’s 38th General Convention.
In 2012, Mike was elected President and Labor Co-Chair of the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee (NMAPC), further strengthening the UA’s position in the union construction industry.
In 2013, he was named Administrative Assistant to the General President by General President Hite. In that position, Mike was responsible for interpreting the United Association Constitution, which serves as the law of the UA and thus is critical to the way in which the organization functions. Mike had many other significant responsibilities, including guiding local unions in the implementation of their by-laws. He was also responsible for the enforcement of Section 219(r) Transfer Card Waivers. Among his many others duties assigned by the General President were the handling of AFL-CIO Article XX and XXI cases, the Mechanical Allied Crafts Council, National Maintenance Agreements, Joint National Agreement for Instrument and Control Systems Technicians and the United Steel Workers of America Agreement.
On July 1, 2014, Mike Pleasant was unanimously elected by the General Executive Board to the position of Assistant General President (AGP) to finish the term of the former AGP. At the 39th General Convention of the United Association, August 1 – 5, 2016, in San Diego, California, he was unanimously elected to continue to serve as the Assistant General President for the next five years. In addition to his duties as Assistant General President, he continues to serve as President and Labor Co-Chair of the NMAPC and also continues to administer the UA/IBEW Instrument Tech Agreement and the UA National Specialty Agreement.