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Local 68 Member Honored With Conservation Stewardship Award

Local 68 Member Honored with Conservation Stewardship Award

The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) has honored Plumbers Local 68, Houston, TX, member Glen Kirkham with the UA Conservation Steward of the Year Award for his commitment to conservation and community service.

The award recognizes volunteers from each of the USA’s charter unions who have made exceptional contributions to the USA’s efforts to organize union volunteers to donate their time and unique trade skills to preserve North America’s outdoor heritage.

Brother Kirkham, of Rockport, TX, earned the stewardship award for his exemplary leadership on a project to restore hurricane-damaged facilities at a popular state park on Texas’ Aransas Bay. Late in 2018, Kirkham led a group of 39 volunteers from the UA and several other unions in the first phase of the project, which restored potable water to half of the waterfront sites. In early February of 2019, the project’s second phase completed repairs to the remainder of the sites. In all, union volunteers donated 235 hours of labor worth more than $12,300 to the restoration.